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Blending enigmatic structures and subtly original textures, our minimalist playlist presents a refined and ethereal repertoire in which instruments, melodies and effects form a constantly evolving sonic environment . Electronic exploration and acoustic instruments gently interweave, sometimes close to ambient and drone music: repetitions, silences and cuts invite the listener into this very special musical sonic space allowing ample room for suspended reverie.

Álbum Título Alt. Duración compo/artista Descripción Palabras claves Key BPM
CEZ4540 Alternative Thinking ...
[CEZ4540 - 3]
0 2'35 Michel Barengo, Beda Thornton Thoughtful / light tension version. Minimalist, dreamy, organic & ... investigación reporte del clima constante política ... D 105
CEZ4548 Perpetual Emotion
[CEZ4548 - 2]
0 2'56 Alice Guerlot Kourouklis Ambient music, electronic soundscape. Misty, dark & mechanical. ... atmosférica soundscape emotivo música cósmica ... Dm 130
EOS66 The Unexpected
[EOS66 - 3]
0 2'44 Roberto Negro Ethereal, dreamy & peaceful. Sparse & bright. Piano & sound design. ... soundscape calmado fondo marino apacible ... F 68
MAG6069 Through the East Window
[MAG6069 - 1]
0 2'38 Variéras Electro ambient, postmodern electro, organic electro, post-classical ... arty electronic score orgánica - electro post-clasico ... Em 76
CEZ4540 Echo in Light
[CEZ4540 - 19]
0 2'09 Michel Barengo, Julia Maria Michels, Beda Thornton Positive version. Rigorous, urgent, organic, punctuated & constant. ... confiado cibernética paisaje urbano arty ... Gm 120
CEZ4368 A Delicate Gesture
[CEZ4368 - 6]
0 1'47 Thierry Caroubi Post classical / electro ambient / underscore. Restrained, patient & ... post-clasico electro ambient underscore mar y fondo marino ... A 118
CEZ4246 Ballerina
[CEZ4246 - 3]
0 3'14 Alice Guerlot-Kourouklis Electro folk. Quiet & pensive. Ukulele, electric guitar, synth & ... electro folk artesanal calmado delicada ... Am 100
MAG6037 The Empire of Silence
[MAG6037 - 3]
0 2'56 Hiroki Ishikura Electro minimalism / underscore. Cold, interrogative & steady. Piano ... interrogativo electro minimalism limpia errante ... Dm 162
CEZ4370 Woodcraft
[CEZ4370 - 12]
2 2'17 Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Underscore / dramedy. Patient, constant, careful & serious. Cello ... investigación narrativo paciente pizzicato ... Cm 100
CEZ4370 Woodcraft Alternate
[CEZ4370 - 59]
0 2'17 Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Underscore. Patient, constant, careful & serious. Cello pizz, ... interrogativo investigación obstinado pizzicato ... Cm 100
CEZ4370 Woodcraft Alternate 2
[CEZ4370 - 60]
0 2'16 Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Underscore. Patient, constant, careful & serious. Cello pizz, guitar ... interrogativo investigación narrativo obstinado ... Cm 100
CCB1034 Ripples of Spring
[CCB1034 - 5]
0 2'19 Anne-Sophie Versnaeyen Vibrating, cold & anticipation. Piano, viola & sequencing. en suspenso post-clasico calmado delicada ... Bb 60
CEZ4100 Rare Earth Elements
[CEZ4100 - 18]
0 1'26 Alice Guerlot Kourouklis Nebulous & mysterious. Metalophones & electronics. tiempo (tic-tac) mágico ciencias electro minimalism ... Em 60
CEZ4132 Circular Shades
[CEZ4132 - 15]
0 2'11 Christophe Zurfluh Repetitive & peaceful. Clarinet ensemble & electronics. cíclico música repetitiva atmosférica fluido ... F 114
MAG6032 Picture of Home
[MAG6032 - 2]
0 2'35 Christof Déjean Electroacoustic music/underscore. Mysterious, unstable, sad & ... interrogativo música electroacústica en suspenso investigación ... Gm 108
CEZ4052 Inner Conversation
[CEZ4052 - 1]
0 2'39 Alice Guerlot Kourouklis Delicate & slow. Thoughtful. Piano, guitar & reverse drone. electronic score delicada drama social electro ambient ... D 104
CEZ4062 Flow-Shop
[CEZ4062 - 29]
0 3'09 Alice Guerlot Kourouklis Simple & naive. Electro-folk. Electric guitar, keyboard & percussion. infancia apacible artesanal calmado ... Am 90
CEZ4052 Creative Mind
[CEZ4052 - 2]
0 1'49 Sébastien Roux Warm sound design drone with simple melodic motif. ciencias atmosférica cibernética en suspenso ... Dm 78
MAG6033 Train 46
[MAG6033 - 2]
0 2'33 Christof Déjean Electro minimalism/electroacoustic music. Cyclic, mysterious & ... misterioso ciencias atmosférica cíclico ... Bb 108
MAG6037 Drifting Away
[MAG6037 - 5]
0 4'21 Hiroki Ishikura Electro minimalism / sci fi / US independent movie / repetitive ... música repetitiva desastre natural electro minimalism obstinado ... Dm 130
MAG6037 Rising with the Night
[MAG6037 - 1]
0 3'39 Hiroki Ishikura Electro minimalism / underscore. Thoughtful, suspended & determined ... introspectivo electro minimalism en suspenso melancólico ... Fm 130
CEZ4368 Electronic Birds
[CEZ4368 - 10]
0 2'23 Mathieu Laurent Electro minimalism / post classical / electro ambient / underscore. ... electro minimalism limpia introspectivo orgánica - electro ... Dm 108
CEO2060 Pluie de Plumes
[CEO2060 - 4]
0 0'50 Alice Guerlot Kourouklis Interlude. Bizarre & mysterious. Electronics with reverse fx. música electroacústica ballet contemporáneo electro minimalism misterioso ... Bm 80
CEZ4132 Origami
[CEZ4132 - 3]
0 2'13 Loïc Schild Melancholic & accentuated. Metallophone ensemble. música minimalista ciencias atmosférica desierto frío ... C 77
CEO2068 A New City
[CEO2068 - 12]
0 1'26 Pablo Pico Minimalism music/underscore. Suspended, patient, cyclic & dreamy. ... geopolítica mágico hipnótico instrumental ... C 80
CEZ4370 Rings of Light
[CEZ4370 - 1]
3 1'43 Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Underscore. Contant, neutral, twinkling & patient. Keyboard, synth, ... ciencias constante cíclico delicada ... Fm 118
CEZ4370 Rings of Light Alternate
[CEZ4370 - 21]
0 1'43 Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Underscore. Contant, neutral, twinkling & patient. Keyboard, chimes ... constante ciencias cíclico delicada ... Fm 120
CEZ4370 Rings of Light Alternate 2
[CEZ4370 - 22]
0 1'43 Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Underscore. Contant, neutral, twinkling & patient. Synth & hang drum. ciencias cíclico neutral paciente ... Fm 119
CEZ4370 Rings of Light Alternate 3
[CEZ4370 - 23]
0 1'44 Anselm Kreuzer, Andreas Suttner Underscore / electro minimalism. Constant, minimalist & neutral. ... constante ciencias limpia interrogativo ... Fm 80
CEZ4132 Unconsciousness
[CEZ4132 - 2]
0 1'59 Dominique Cravic, Fay Lovsky Interrogative & suspended. Guitar & musical glasses. en suspenso música de circo limpia apacible ... C 82
CEZ4113 Sundial
[CEZ4113 - 19]
0 2'33 Christof Déjean Constant & cyclic. Electronics. 98 BPM. tiempo (tic-tac) constante drama social errante ... Bb 98
CCB1034 Snow Dance
[CCB1034 - 7]
0 2'22 Anne-Sophie Versnaeyen Crystalline, restrained & suspended atmosphere. Piano, viola, celesta ... calmado campo y jardín eclosión lluvia ... Gm 162
CEZ4152 Awaiting Softly
[CEZ4152 - 1]
0 2'04 Célia Reggiani Soft & peaceful. Synth. desierto frío limpia silencio desolado ... B 108
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